Three Alone veterans are challenged by Joel van der Loon (Season 7) to create two projectiles capable of taking down large game. Fortunately, Callie North (Season 3), Amos Rodriguez (Season 7), and Lucas Miller (Season 1), are some of the most skilled builders who have been on Alone and are aiming for a win.
Given only two tools, challengers are tasked with one of their most unique builds yet -- a nature-powered rotisserie.
Jordan Jonas (Season 6 winner) challenges three expert builders, Joel van der Loon (Season 7), Callie North (Season 3), and Britt Ahart (Seasons 3 and 5) to build a raft with a shelter. With only three tools at their disposal will they find the raw materials to float or will they come up short and sink?
Three of Alone's standout fishermen are challenged by Jordan Jonas (Season 6 winner) to make a fishing kit, catch and smoke a fish with only four tools in three days. Britt Ahart (Season 5 runner up), Joel van der Loon (Season 7), and Clay Hayes (Season 8 winner) work to one up each other in this showdown.
Past Alone participants Britt Ahart (Seasons 3 & 5), Jordan Jonas (Season 6 Winner) and Lucas Miller (Season 1) tackle one of their biggest challenges yet--building a massive Deadfall Trap with just a few simple tools. Will their traps fall into place in time to impress expert survivalist and judge Clay Hayes (Season 8 Winner) or will they fall apart?
A 12-foot-high elevated shelter that's safe from predators, in just three days, with only three tools? That's the tall challenge in store for former Alone participants Joel van der Loon (Season 7), Jordan Jonas (Season 6 Winner) and Clay Hayes (Season 8 Winner).
Expert bushcrafters and former Alone participants Clay Hayes (Season 8), Callie North (Season 3) and Britt Ahart (Seasons 3 & 5) tackle the toughest challenge yet--building a working watercraft from all natural materials. Armed with just three simple tools and a tarp, who will float their way to victory?
This week's challengers tackle a complicated build--crafting a working oven from all natural materials, like sand, wood and water. Luckily, Callie North (Season 3), Clay Hayes (Season 8) and Am s Rodriguez (Season 7) are all highly-skilled former Alone participants. Can they complete what's normally a weeks-long build in just 3 days and with limited tools? Survival expert Britt Ahart (Seasons 3 & 5) will judge the results.
Building a wilderness survival shelter is far from simple, but it's even tougher to make it bone-dry when it rains and smoke-free when a fire is lit. That's the challenge facing former Alone participants Clay Hayes (Season 8 Winner), Jordan Jonas (Season 6 Winner) and Am s Rodriguez (Season 7). With limited tools and just a few days, will they be up to the task? Only one can take home the win.
Three former Alone participants take on a difficult challenge they've never tackled before - build a Bushcraft Bridge in three days using just a few simple tools. Lucas Miller (season 1), Callie North (Season 3) and Britt Ahart (Seasons 3 & 5) will compete to show off their skills.
Three of the strongest Alone participants take on a bushcraft challenge devised by one of their own--build an Earth Shelter in three days using just a few surprise tools. It's a showdown for bragging rights between Jordan Jonas (Season 6 Winner), Am s Rodriguez (Season 7) and Lucas Miller (Season 1). Who will build the best shelter and win?
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