Heather's newfound serenity is skewered when her graduation day devolves into chaos.
In the midst of Manju's health crisis, Ainsley is stunned to learn from her stepmother, Cheryl, that her father, Desmond, has died very suddenly, leaving one hundred percent of his sizeable estate to his only daughter.
A half-baked plan to become Manju's carer post-surgery proves to be Liz's undoing, when it leads to Stuart finding out about past indiscretions.
Harry almost pulls off the celebration of a lifetime at Manju's 70th - until Ainsley accidentally reveals last year's secret gayby negotiations, causing Manju to promptly declare war on her son.
It's Ainsley and Simmo's wedding day, Ben is determined to be there for his best mate Simmo and the love of his life, Heather. Over the course of the day, truth bombs will detonate.
Harry finds himself charged with organizing Ainsley's questionably-themed 'white-party' Hens, and Simmo's 'fire-on-the-land' Bucks.
Heather's in a funk, hitting peak mediocrity, just tolerating Ben. Desperate for a circuit breaker, she accidentally sets Ainsley and Harry on a mission to get her back on the dating scene.
Ainsley finds herself in a committed relationship for the first time. It's everything she's ever dreamed of, but grows suspicious that Simmo might propose and worries that things are moving too fast.
Following her UK success, Liz is being wooed by the creme-de-la-creme of law firms, including the former boss, who brutally fired her. He now wants to hold a soiree in her honour to offer her partner.
With her major exam looming, and rumours that a marriage proposal might be brewing... Heather's world is blown apart when she learns of Ben's betrayal.
When Liz returns from her UK studies, Harry is reminded that while everyone around him has new opportunities or relationships to speak of, he's somehow found himself... at a complete standstill.
With the entire house depending on him, Ben launches himself as a BnB accommodation provider. He's feeling the pressure, but he's rising like a boss, till his teen daughter crash lands at the house.
The household dynamic is under threat when an unexpected decision is announced and the timing couldn't be worse for the roommates.
Flailing in his open relationship, Harry leaves a string of deeply regrettable voicemail messages on his boyfriend's phone; Heather discovers a potential new career; Liz receives an unexpected gift from Stuart.
When Ainsley innocently asks the roommates about their thoughts on private schools, all the fault lines are exposed; Harry tries to smooth things over with Liz.
Heather fails to stay calm when she gets a workplace bullying complaint, putting at risk her entire career; Ainsley finds herself increasingly drawn to Simmo.
High on love, Harry wants to bring his new man to his family's Diwali celebration but ends up causing a meltdown; Heather refuses to admit she's struggling to keep a handle on things.
After suffering an accident, Ben is forced to take desperate measures; Harry finally introduces his new love to the gang.
Ainsley's preparations for a gender reveal party are derailed by the wrath of Lachlan's ex, Melanie; Harry and Liz both commit to dating, egging each other on to head out every Saturday.
The gang's plan to buy a new house is upended when Liz runs into her ex-husband and his girlfriend; Ben tries to convince Heather that they should live as a couple; Harry tries to lean into his new, openly "gay and out loud" status.
Ainsley, Heather, Ben, Liz and Harry have decided to sell. The drunken joke turned reality is officially coming to an end. As the auction nears it's crescendo, where will the housemates be left standing.
Following Heather's surprise party, the housemates try to put their differences aside for Mia's visit. What they didn't expect was the household to erupt with the most violent bout of food poisoning.
Heather is turning 50 and to kick off the birthday festivities, Heather learns that her receptionist is dating Colin. Meanwhile, Liz drags Heather home against her will for Ainslie's birthday shin-dig.
Liz begins to catch on to Heather and Ben's suspicious behavior and an unforeseen medical emergency rocks the worlds of our housemates. Harry embarks on another date with Policeman Pete.
While Liz disappears to drown her sorrows, Harry develops a crush on his policeman neighbor Pete and Ben and Heather explore their unexpected chemistry.
Living arrangement boundaries have been pushed just a little too far. Nudie strolls, hygiene complaints and a general lack of self awareness see everyone, bar Ainslie, ready to kick Ben out.
As Ben, Ainsley, Harry and Liz kick off their housewarming celebrations, Heather doses herself up on a concoction to combat her urge to return home. Will she last the night or farewell this new life?
It's the story of five unlikely allies in life, teaming up and buying a house. It's a grand social experiment with one glaring problem: they'll have to actually live with each other.
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