Houses with History Season 2 The release date May 31, 2023 on HGTV

Status: not renewed yet
Station: HGTV
Latest Episode: 4/22/2023
Next Episode: 5/31/2023
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In HGTV’s ‘Houses With History,’ passionate preservationists Mike Lemieux, Rich Soares and designer Jen MacDonald meticulously restore vintage historic homes around Plymouth, Massachusetts.

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  • Season 2
  • Season 1
Name Air Dates
The One With All the Shipwrecks Apr 22, 2023

Mike, Jen and Rich restore a 1700s center-chimney cape with a rich maritime history. The team maintains the home's charm while giving a newly blended family more than one working shower and the addition of some much needed modern touches.

The One With the Bullet Hole Apr 15, 2023

Mike, Jen and Rich work on an 1830s Cape-style home that's filled with historical details, and possibly some ghosts! Mike enlists a ghost hunter to commune with the house's past inhabitants, and hopefully they'll approve of the Regency-style renovation!

The One With Mark Twain Apr 8, 2023

Mike, Jen and Rich attempt to bring an 1800s potting shed back to its original glory, but this isn't any average greenhouse! Originally belonging to an oil tycoon of the Gilded Era and BFF of none other than Mark Twain, this house overflows with history.

The One With the Blacksmith Nov 3, 2021

When the owner of a 1707 center-chimney Cape Cod tells Mike he wants to sell, the team jumps to take it on. Learning that the property was originally owned by a blacksmith, they opt for an Americana design that highlights the work of past craftsmen.

The One With the Double Staircase Oct 27, 2021

Mike, Rich and Jen prepare for a big job as they consider two homes in different states of disrepair. One is a 1696 home that is literally leaning, and the other a 1800 Cape Cod with a solid exterior that covers up the start of an abandoned demolition.

The One Built in 1666 Oct 20, 2021

Mike, Jen and Rich help a couple renovate their 1666 Federalist-style home that's riddled with 350-year-old structural problems. They transform the untouched 1750s attic into dual bathrooms and add delicate features to call out the home's original design.

The One With the Bullseye Glass Oct 13, 2021

Mike, Jen and Rich consider two homes that could not be more different from one another. One is a Dutch Colonial loaded with detail and a hefty price tag, while the other is a 1800s Cape Cod that's full of potential but stripped to the studs.

The One With the Pumpkin Pine Floors Oct 6, 2021

Mike, Jen, and Rich have to make a tough choice between two 1800s Greek Revival homes. The first property is covered with gingerbread charm and historical detail, while the second has a plain white exterior that hides tons of industrial-age character.

The One on the Cranberry Bog Sep 29, 2021

Mike, Jen and Rich must decide if they are going to take on a 1735 Cape Cod with an "off-center" chimney and a stormy history or an 1830s Colonial home that is rumored to be the Old John Carver Inn.


When will be next episode air date?

Houses with History Season 3 is yet to be announced by HGTV.

Is The Season 3 renewed or cancelled?

Latest Episode was 4/22/2023 and now is not renewed yet. Houses with History is to be Premiered on HGTV

Where to countdown air dates?

You could see to countdown the Next season AIR DATES Season 3 on this page. Follow us and you find out it first. is your online-guide for tracking the Air Date of your favorite TV shows. Keep up with the Countdown to the next episode Houses with History, stay informed about air dates, and never miss an episode of your beloved TV series. Simply add your preferred shows to “Watchlist” and let us handle the rest for you.



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