As the bilingual dating experiment reaches a dramatic conclusion, the Brits face a life-changing choice: will they stay in Spain and commit long-term, or return to the UK alone?
Some tearful departures are followed by the arrival of the Spanish parents. Can the Brits impress their potential in-laws? Kimey makes a big statement. One couple get the chance to go on a minibreak.
Thalia wrestles with a decision about how to move forward with Cristobal and Luke, and tensions begin to boil over in another love triangle as Amal and Lucia vie for Jack's attention. Meanwhile, Arran tries to get to the bottom of what has gone wrong with his and Lucia's relationship, and Tracy demands answers from Jose Carlos.
It should be a day of celebration as Kimey and Thalia share a birthday, but instead the rivalry for Thalia's affections boils over as Luke and Cristobal have a heated confrontation. Amal and Lucía go on a double date to the beach with their new partners, while Jose Carlos makes a slightly unwelcome suggestion to partner Tracy.
Emotions run high as a twist sends shockwaves through the group. And it's make or break for one couple.
Just as feelings and loyalties begin to grow between the Brits and Spaniards in Andalusia, there is a surprise in store for everyone as another set of singletons arrive and soon make themselves at home. Bilingual dating experiment, hosted by Davina McCall and Ricky Merino.
The language barrier continues to frustrate the daters, with a misunderstanding bringing one of the British women to tears. The two groups try to help each other overcome their cultural differences by exchanging nationality-appropriate seduction tips, and two new couples get to know each other better, with mixed results - including a revelation that causes both controversy and anger.
Davina McCall and Ricky Merino welcome the British singletons to Spain, where they make a surprising discovery about their potential partners. At the selection ceremony, the flirting gets competitive.
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